... windows to other worlds …


New Series


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I did show myself through my art…for the second time and hat the amazing opportunity for an exhibition at my favorite coffee place PeggyBee. It is just an extraordinary feeling to see them out there in the public for everyone else to see if they willing to watch closely. Because in this series there are tiny people telling stories. Which one is up to you.

Series Streichelzoo, Rudi, 70cm x 60cm, Acrylic/Ceramic on Canvas

Series Streichelzoo, Maria, 80cm x 80cm, Acrylic/Ceramic on Canvas

Series Streichelzoo, Nalan, 60cm x 50cm, Acrylic/Ceramic on Canvas

Series Streichelzoo, Olaf, 100cm x 70cm, Acrylic/Ceramic on Canvas

Series Streichelzoo, Dori, 40cm x 40cm, Acrylic/Ceramic on Canvas

Series Streichelzoo, Essenz, 30cm x 30cm, Acrylic on Canvas

Series Streichelzoo, Eva, 60cm x 30cm, Acrylic/Ceramic on Canvas

Series Streichelzoo, Johanna, 50cm x 60cm, Acrylic/Ceramic on Canvas

Series Meeresfrüchte, one, 60cm x 80cm, Acrylic/Ceramic on Canvas


Humpback Whale Girls, A4, Watercolor and Pencil

Gorilla, A4, Watercolor and Pencil

Parenting, A4, Watercolor and Pencil

Humming Bird, A3, Watercolor and Pencil

Waschbärgeschwister, A5, Watercolor and Pencil

Kingfisher, A4, Watercolor and Pencil

Flamingo, A4, Watercolor and Pencil

Pattern Fritzlieblings, A4, Watercolor and Pencil

Pattern Ocean Life, A4, Watercolor and Pencil

Pattern Lolli Pop, A4, Watercolor and Pencil

Pattern Fruits, A4, Watercolor and Pencil

Jungle Drum, A3, Watercolor and Pencil

xoxo2, A4, two-colored with Pencil

xoxo1, A5, two-colored with Pencil


Däberseerosen, 70 cm x 90 cm, Acrylic/Gold Leafs on Canvas

Strauss, 100 cm x 100 cm, Acrylic on Canvas

Hessenwinkelfuchs, 10 cm x 15 cm, Watercolor and Pencil

Phönix, 40 cm x 40 cm x 5cm, Acrylic on canvas


Mainly painting with acrylics or watercolor pencils. But I also love to incorporate other materials such as ceramics, dried plants or wood into my art work.

In love with nature and animal themes.

Get in touch.