ILLUSTRATIONS, FINE LINE ART AND DOTWORK Wave Me, A5 Flamingo Mio, A4 Jellyfriends, 18cm x 24cm Hiddensee 2019, 18cm x 24cm Fischpott, 18cm x 24cm Idols, 18cm x 24cm Bumblebee, 18cm x 24cm Dreams, A5 Glückskäfer, A5 Koi Koi Koi, A4 Kiwi Bird, 30cm x 30cm Black and WhiteI started off drawing mostly black and white, using dotwork as well as a mixture of fine lines & dots to create depth. Now and then drawing tattoo motifs. Eternally inspired by mother nature. Get in touch. Contact Natalie Bossdorf Get in touch. Name * First Name Last Name Email * Message * Thank you! I will be answering your email as soon as possible.Natalie